Filtration and Pumps
Do you want safe, purified drinking water with a filtration system that won’t blow the budget?
Is your water discolored and odorous or are your water filters blocked?
Do you want to install a reliable filtration system or purifier to clean your rain or bore water?
What We Do
Filtration and Pumps
Tui Plumbing and Gas are Experts in Filtration and Pumps Systems
Here on Waiheke Island water can be collected and stored from either rain or bore water. This water is untreated however, and it can often contain or grow nasty parasites, bacteria or sediments that you don’t want to be drinking, cooking or cleaning with!
Without proper filtration and pumps, various unpleasant e-coli and other microscopic bacteria can find its way into your water and that can affect your family or house guests & visitors who can become very unwell or sick. Cryptosporidium (also called ‘crypto’) and Giardia are nasty parasites that can infect the gut and leave you feeling very poorly. The best protection is good quality plumbing, regular cleaning of gutters and of course, filtration and pumps!
Installing a high quality water treatment system can eliminate the hardness, contaminants and minerals as well as heavy metals and bacteria that may be present in your water. Once removed, you’ll have pure, safe and healthy water.
Tui Plumbing & Gas can consult on all levels and provide the necessary equipment from softeners, neutralizers, UV sterilizers and reverse osmosis treatment, including fully automated systems.
Call us and we can find the right solution for your home, business or winery.